Return policies

Return Limitations and Policies

  1. Contact your seller before returning. If your seller does not reply within 48 hours, please contact us.
  2. Issues must be reported to your seller within 14 days after delivery of the item.
  3. Returns must be mailed within 30 days of the original purchase date.
  4. Do not use “Return to sender” as a method of returning merchandise.
  5. Sellers do not currently have the ability to issue reimbursement for return shipping. We suggest returning items through USPS media mail.
  6. Valore will not issue refunds for claims submitted after 60 days. You will need to contact your seller directly for any refund requests submitted once this time frame has expired.

Discretionary Returns

If you change your mind, accidentally purchased your item, or need to return the item for some other reason not listed below, you must first gain approval from the seller to return the item. Sellers are not required to accept discretionary returns, but many will as to provide a good customer experience.

Return Reasons

Sellers must accept returns for these reasons, as long as the above policies have been followed:

  • The item received was in lesser condition than listed on your order page. Please see our grading guidelines.
  • The item received was damaged in transit, e.g. the postal service damaged the package and the item inside.
  • The item received was different than the item ordered. The ISBN of the item must match what is listed on your order.

Restocking Fees

If your return was for a discretionary reason as listed above, the seller may keep a 15% restocking fee when issuing a refund. For example, if your item cost was $50, the seller is allowed to refund you $42.50 and keep $7.50 for a restocking fee. This restocking fee helps cover the seller's overhead of processing the return.

Return Refunds

Please allow up to 5 business days for your seller to process the return. Once processed the refund will post to your account within 2-5 business days.